Turkmengaz has signed a contract with companies in Morocco and the United Arab Emirates to sell 1 million tons of sulfur

The state concern "Turkmengas" concluded an agreement with the companies" OCP S. A. "(Morocco) and" Sun International FZE " (UAE) on the sale of 1 million tons of sulfur. This was reported at a government meeting on Tuesday by Vice Prime Minister and foreign Minister Rashid Meredov.

The Vice Prime Minister noted that this agreement was signed during the working trip of the Turkmen government delegation to Rabat (Morocco), undertaken on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

"This agreement is of great importance for further strengthening cooperation between the countries, expanding mutually beneficial ties and, thus, activating interstate political and economic partnership," Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov commented on the signing of the agreement. - Its implementation will be a clear evidence of the success of the ongoing course to diversify the economy of Turkmenistan.

It should be noted that the head of state sent Vice Prime Minister, foreign Minister Rashid Meredov and Chairman of the state Corporation "Turkmengas" Myrat Archayev on a working visit to Morocco on March 4-6, 2020. One of the goals of the trip was to study the possibilities of selling products of the petrochemical complex of Turkmenistan.

During the visit, Turkmen-Moroccan inter-Ministerial consultations were held, as well as issues of developing cooperation in political, trade and economic spheres were discussed. During the meeting of the Turkmen delegation with the Prime Minister of Morocco, the great interest of both States in building up bilateral relations was noted.


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