Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Development Vectors and Synergy Effect

The opening ceremony of the exhibition and conference of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs took place in the Turkmen capital. The large-scale show is traditionally timed to the day of the formation of this large structure, uniting in its ranks more than 24 thousand representatives of the private sector, operating in almost all sectors of the national economy.

The opening ceremony of the show, organized by SPTT together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was attended by members of the government, leaders and deputies of the Mejlis, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Turkmenistan, ministries and departments, public organizations, universities and the media.

The increasing role of the private sector in the economy is determined by one of the key vectors of the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2020-2025.

Entrepreneurship makes a significant contribution to the expansion of import substitution and increase the export potential of the country, the development of competitive industries. Small and medium-sized businesses are an integral part of the formation of an innovative economy. The state provides all necessary conditions and opportunities for this.

Since the beginning of this year, representatives of the private sector have increased the volume of industrial production by 11 percent, agricultural and food - by 2.1 times. In total, over the 12 years since the founding of SPPT, a number of large projects have been implemented that make it possible to talk about the success and prospects of public-private partnerships.

The site of the current review reflects not only achievements, but also the huge potential of business structures that demonstrate activity in all sectors. The emphasis is on innovative technologies.

Acquaintance with the exhibition begins in the hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which houses a large-scale model of the main office building of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, monitors that reflect the achievements of private business in various industries, and milestones of this structure.

The inextricable link of the times is emphasized by the collection of medieval artifacts located at the beginning of the exposition, discovered by archaeologists in the course of work carried out on the initiative and support of the SPPT in Shekhrislam settlement.

Today, more than 200 exhibitors present their stands in the exhibition hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Among them are structural divisions and velayat branches of SPPT, individual enterprises and business companies specializing in agribusiness, food and processing industries, construction, the production of building materials and electrical equipment, IT technologies, as well as in trade, tourism, education, in the field of services, transport and logistics, in applied crafts, etc.

Here you can find information about the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Rysgal”, the School of Entrepreneurship implementing educational projects in more than 50 areas of professional training, the Bäsdeş Trading House and the Birleşme gurluşyk association, the country's first private publication - the newspaper “Rysgal”. The Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, formed in 2012, has its own information section, and its representatives are now members of the national parliament.

Many of the tasks set by the head of state for legal support of private business were reflected in the new edition of the Law “On the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan”, adopted by the Mejlis in October 2019. In this document, aimed at improving the legal framework for the further development of the private sector, the powers of the SPTT are expanded, the rights and obligations of the Union are specified.

In the information pavilion, you can also find information about the National Organization for Barcodes “GS1 Turkmenistan”, created in accordance with the Decree of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and with the support of the Union in 2014, the activity of which contributes to the active entry of domestic producers into world markets.

A separate part of the exposition reflects the work of the velayat branches of SPPT. Small and medium-sized businesses are developing today in all regions of the country, large enterprises and business entities representing key sectors of the economy are implementing large-scale government projects both in the capital and in the provinces, providing employment for a huge number of people.

One of the focuses of the profile review was the presentation of the capabilities of the members of the TPS in the implementation of the Concept of the digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025.

As you know, last year the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs actively connected to this program. The members of the SPPT launched an initiative to form an IT cluster.

The first step in this direction was the creation of the Closed Joint-Stock Company “IT - Park”, whose activities are aimed at developing small and medium-sized businesses of innovative orientation, strengthening ties between science, production and investor, entering the international market of innovative products and, in general, development of digital infrastructure in the country.

A special cluster was formed today at the exhibition venue by large companies engaged in the field of IT technologies. In the pavilion of the Türkmen-Tranzit enterprise there was a presentation of website development projects, as well as a “smart city”, “smart terminal”, a project for young people “Zehin”. The Center for Advanced Technologies, Sanly ulgam XO, Imdat elektronik XO and other companies presented their achievements in the implementation of digital systems.

In this regard, we note the contribution of private business to the development of the electronic industry and the electrical industries of the national economy. The exposition includes stands of manufacturers of domestic electronic payment terminals and training computers, tablets, routers and other high-tech products that are in demand.

Visitors to the exhibition can familiarize themselves with the work of manufacturers of electrical distribution and control equipment. Today, private companies mount high-voltage and low-voltage equipment, electrical devices, carry out commissioning and test any type of specialized equipment. In the near future, plants for the production and repair of transformers of various capacities will be commissioned.

Traditionally, the construction direction of entrepreneurs is widely represented at the exhibition.

Today, domestic businessmen are entrusted with the execution of large orders within the framework of state programs, including those related to the arrangement of Ashgabat, the Avaza National Tourist Zone, cities and villages of the country, the construction of roads, hydraulic structures and other structures.

Members of SPPT are implementing multimillion-dollar construction projects, erecting entire queues of housing estates, cottage complexes, park areas, administrative and business areas, and large-scale civil aviation infrastructure facilities. Among them are current exhibitors: FE “Ussat inžener”, “Rysgally zähmet”, “Garadaşly gurluşyk”, “Gujurly binagär”, HO “Dowamat” and others.

Among the largest state orders are the construction of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat Autobahn, the new administrative center of the Akhal Province, and the facilities of Ashgabat City. Having accumulated sufficient experience in this field, Turkmen businessmen enter foreign markets.

One of the distinguishing features of the current show is the representativeness of the logistics companies and the transport block, the work of which is of particular importance in light of the implementation of large-scale international projects in this area.

Among the exhibitors - XO "Turkmen Logistic Association", Joint-stock company "Transport and Logistics Center", Joint-Stock Company of the open type "Türkmen milli logistik", XO "Bir dünýä", "Türkmen ak ýol", "Ýük ulag merkezi", "Amatly ýollar ”, IE“ Penaly ýol ”,“ Aziýa ulaglary ”,“ Beýik ýüpek ýoly ”,“ Halkara dostluk ”and others. AO “Awtoýoly”, which advertises motor transport services, is represented at the exhibition venue. Many companies present their capabilities in the transportation of bulky goods using new technologies.

A significant part of the exposition is dedicated to one of the priority areas for the development of domestic business - the creation of import-substituting industrial enterprises based on local raw materials.

Visitors to the exhibition can learn about the contribution of entrepreneurs to new sectors of the economy, including those related to the development of mineral resources of the country. So, this year the number of exhibitors engaged in chemical production, developed on the basis of Turkmenistan’s natural resources, including underground iodine-bromine waters, brines of Garabogazgol Bay, potash ores, etc., has expanded.

Last year, entrepreneurs started producing iodine in the Bereket etrap of the Balkan province. The capacity of innovative equipment to automate the entire complex technological process is designed for the annual production of 150 tons of export-oriented, import-substituting products from local natural resources.

Private enterprises include large enterprises producing synthetic detergents and disinfectants, edible salt, paints, construction adhesives, waterproofing materials, aerated concrete slabs, and others. The manufactured products not only fully satisfy the needs of the domestic market, but are also exported abroad.

The exhibition presents achievements in the implementation of projects for the construction of plants for the production of potash fertilizers (potassium chloride and potassium sulfate), combined fertilizers, carbon black, ethyl alcohol. Currently, private business enterprises are also developing investment projects for the production of caustic and calcined soda, chlorine, hydrochloric acid, sodium sulfate and other chemical products from local natural and mineral resources.

One of the practical goals of this review of entrepreneurial opportunities is to attract investment for the implementation of promising projects. In the chemical industry, these include enterprises for the production of liquefied gas, urea and ammonia from natural gas, and graphite electrodes. Projects in the field of heavy industry, metallurgy, and gold mining, developed by private business, are attractive investment.

Among the achievements of the SPIT members in the industrial sector is the activity of the participant of the current show, the Ashgabat carpet company “Abadan haly”, which presented a variety of carpets and original color-coordinated carpets. The annual capacity of this ultra-modern complex is one and a half million square meters of carpets and rugs, most of which are made from polypropylene yarn based on local raw materials.

Carpet weaving is a profitable export-oriented business. One example of this is the work of the specialized store of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, opened last year in the city of Dubai (UAE), selling national carpets, textile and souvenir products.

Enterprises producing paper products, ceramic tiles, basalt fiber, pipes, bricks, reinforced concrete structures, waterproofing materials, washed sand, polystyrene foam, expanded clay, emulsions and paints, electrical cables and hoses, curbs and tiles, dry show their achievements in the industrial segment. building mixtures, as well as oil and air filters, batteries, etc. Among the exhibitors are Erjel-Begenç, Mizemez gadam, Täjir ýoly, Gündogar ýoly, Rysgally ussat and others.

The pavilion of Derýaplastik IE, which produces more than a hundred types of import-substituting products in demand in the construction field, including sanitary ware, cable and hoses of various diameters, is traditionally diverse. A significant range of building materials manufactured using innovative technologies is represented by individual enterprises Çaly and Ak hünji manufactured using innovative technologies by processing secondary materials - plastic, paper, polyethylene, rubber, wood. In continuation of this work, it is planned to implement production projects for the processing of garbage and solid waste in the regions of the country.

The assortment of domestic manufactured goods is expanding. The activities of the Türkmen şöhle, Begler ýoly, Saka, and other manufacturers that produce a wide variety of household products are aimed at import substitution.

No less interesting are stands promoting household chemical products, as well as modern technologies in the production of consumer goods. Предприятиеatumar, as well as Ýigit XO, presented their new products in the domestic market of detergents and cosmetics.

Cotton yarn and knitwear showcases Batly gadam from the Balkan province.

Traditionally, their achievements and opportunities are presented by the enterprises of the furniture complex located in the Ak Bugday district of the Akhal province, Aýbölek and Çigildem, Abraýly önüm, as well as Durmuş dowamy, Belent akaba, Ak penjire, and Agaýana ”, kärhanalary,“ Nurana Türkmen ”. Here you can also get acquainted with samples of household appliances, the production of which was started by domestic entrepreneurs.

A large role is played by private producers in ensuring the country's food security, as evidenced by the numerous pavilions of agricultural producers and food producers. It should be noted that from year to year there are more and more of them.

Among the exhibitors are large agricultural enterprises, modern greenhouse farms, production and processing complexes for poultry, livestock and fish farming, for processing vegetable and melon crops and fruits.

Among them are Guş toplumy, Nurly meýdan, the Hazar balyk fish breeding and processing complex, Ajaýyp ussat halal önümleri, the Hoş zaman poultry farm, Bereketli, Täze aý önümleri, Miweli ülke Toý zaman and a number of other manufacturers. Improving their activities, they rely on world experience and advanced technologies.

One of the striking examples of this is the private farm Nurly meýdan, which for the first time in Turkmenistan implemented a hatching poultry project, which allows bringing the production of broiler chicken meat and eggs to an industrial basis using the technology developed in modern poultry farming. The same farm, in cooperation with a foreign partner, has mastered the production of animal feeds previously purchased outside the country in the Bereket district of the Balkan province.

Today, entrepreneurs produce a wide assortment of baby food, fruit and vegetable concentrates, juices, mayonnaise, ice cream, canned products belonging to the premium product segment, fish delicacies, yogurts, sausages, a variety of confectionery and snack products.

Moreover, the safety of food products is created on the initiative of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs by the Hil standart economic society, the first laboratory center for food safety expertise in Turkmenistan. The competence of this structure in the field of food product expertise is confirmed by international accreditation according to ISO / IEC17025: 2017.

Representatives of private business continue to confidently master new market segments and technologies, which make it possible to increase the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex and meet the demand of the population for a variety of environmentally friendly food and vitamin products, which visitors of the specialized show enjoyed tasting today. Moreover, the presentation of new products is timed to coincide with the annual profile exhibition - an important reporting event for all members of the SPTT.

So, in a wide assortment of canned products of the Nur trademark produced at the Owadan ülke plant, pumpkin and quince jams, tomato paste and pickled garlic appeared, a mayonnaise lineup supplemented the product based on cotton oil. Among the new products at the stand of the Parasatly farm there are candies, stewed and dried fruits under the Noş trademark, tomato paste and Duý puree.

The high quality of food products produced by domestic enterprises is evidenced by the international ISO and HACCP certificates received by them.

The rich assortment at the exhibition includes drinks and clean drinking water from Akdaş miwe içgileri, Berk Akar, Оakymly kümüş suwy, natural vegetable and fruit juices and nectars. Parahat exhibits include the popular Joş and Eçil juices, iced tea, sausages, baby food (fruit and vegetable purees), long-term dairy products, several varieties of ketchup and tomato paste made from fruit and vegetable concentrates from natural local raw materials.

Well-known dairy producers: “Aýaz baba”, “Elin”, XO “Sahabatly”, OJSC “Şawat” and others occupy an honorable place at the exposition site.

Especially attractive for visitors are pavilions with their favorite treats for children and adults - ice cream of the Salkyn, Erteki, Täze aý and other brands. Confectionery placers - at the stands of Hasar, Misgär, and Duýgy. Popular grades of bread and bakery products in an original festive design are also shown here.

In the exhibition pavilions - a rich variety of fruits, vegetables, melons, grown on farmland, provided by the government for rent to members of SPPT, and in greenhouses, the number of which is growing from year to year.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov always encourages farmers to use advanced irrigation technologies, high-quality consumables and special equipment in their work. Currently, such areas of agricultural business as vegetable growing, gardening and floriculture are actively developing. A clear confirmation of this is the products of XO "Ter", the company "Has", "ATG agro" and many other exhibitors.

Some entrepreneurs introduce the participants of the show with modern technologies used in the equipment of greenhouses and ongoing work in the field of ecology. Symbols of the Year “Turkmenistan is the homeland of Neutrality” is widely used in the design of various goods of domestic manufacturers, which are of high quality and environmental safety.

Today, these products are widely in demand not only in our country, but also abroad. The activities of trade missions of the SPTT in the People’s Republic of China, the United Arab Emirates, and the Republic of Austria are aimed at realizing the export potential of Turkmen businessmen, attracting international best practices and foreign investments, using active international business interaction formats. In addition, members of the Union opened trading houses in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Afghanistan and China.

Entrepreneurs provide the population with a wide range of domestic, advertising and publishing services, which is also reflected in the review.

Another feature of the current business vernissage is the representativeness of tourism industry enterprises. And this is understandable in the context of the privatization of tourism enterprises undertaken in 2019, which were privatized in the prescribed manner, and the tourism company “Rowaçsyýahat”, supervised by SPPT, was created for the coordinated management of their activities.

Visitors to the exhibition, primarily potential foreign partners, are offered by the tourist companies “Owadan syýahat”, “Durdynyýaz”, “Oguz abat”, “Güneşli syýahat”, “Rowaç-AW”, “Atlaz”, actively working in this segment “Aýan”, “Dag syýahat”, “Halkaradostluk”, “Haryt syýahat”, “Nurana aý”, “Saada”, “Zehin”.

Tour operators represent routes to the historical and memorable places of our country. This topic also determined the direction of a wonderful fashion show under the Ýasmin brand from IP Anyk, which was participating for the first time in the SPPT achievements exhibition.

The tasks facing the domestic business community in line with key government programs and, above all, those identified in the country's Socio-Economic Development Program for 2020-2025, were discussed during a conference held in the afternoon in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Within the framework of the forum, its participants heard reports on the work of SPPT and its regional branches, exchanged views on pressing issues of doing business, including identifying the most promising areas for increasing investment and innovation processes, manufacturing import-substituting products and increasing volumes of domestic goods exported.

Within the framework of the forum, the results of the competition SPTT "Best Entrepreneur of the Year" in 13 directions were summarized.

Tomorrow, the profile review will complete the work.
