Head of Turkmenistan congratulates compatriots on International Women's Day

Today, Turkmenistan celebrates International Women's Day. On this occasion, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed his compatriots with a congratulatory greeting, which, in particular, states:

“Congratulations on International Women's Day! I am convinced that the celebrations timed to this holiday will give our lovely women a good mood and a sense of inspiration, fill their hearts with pride in the Fatherland.

The veneration of women as a pillar of the family and a model of morality is the most valuable principle of the Turkmen people. Samples of song folklore created by them, highly artistic carpets and handmade embroidery patterns are an important part of the national heritage. The art of carpet weaving, originating in the depths of centuries, whose traditions are carefully preserved and improved thanks to the talent and skill of Turkmen women, is included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of women, providing them with state benefits, creating all opportunities for work and a decent life, increasing their role in the socio-political life of the country is an important condition for progress.

Our country is aimed at strengthening its position in the global coordinate system. Women make a great contribution to the implementation of large-scale tasks, strengthening the political, economic, cultural and social foundation of development. They successfully work in government agencies, public organizations, in various fields, research institutes and high-tech industrial complexes. We are proud of it.

We highly appreciate the merits of women in educating the younger generation in the best traditions of the Turkmen people, educated, with a broad outlook, patriots of the country, mentally and physically healthy, hardworking.

In our state policy, priority is given to the development of society on the basis of national traditions, concern for the protection of motherhood and childhood, and family values. A clear evidence of this is the ongoing measures to improve national legislation in this area, successfully implement programs aimed at protecting childhood and motherhood, and providing social support to mothers with many children, the message says.

May our dear smiling mothers, inspired women and girls, who unite the people, strengthen national unity and inspire to the highest levels, be always highly esteemed!”
