Turkmen Private Sector Increases Livestock Production

Presently, more than 120 private livestock farms are successfully producing meat and milk.

Investments in the modernization of the livestock industry continue in the agro-industrial complex of Turkmenistan, which makes it possible to increase the production of meat and dairy products in the country.

According to Turkmenistan’s Golden Age news outlet’s Wednesday report, within the framework of the phased privatization of livestock farms, which are on the balance sheet of state organizations, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) privatized around 90 such enterprises.

Presently, more than 120 private livestock farms are successfully producing meat and milk, and the construction of another 90 farms is underway, the news outlet said.

In addition, more than 28 thousand hectares of land have been allocated to livestock breeders - members of the UIET for the production of fodder crops. The private businesses grow alfalfa, corn, barley, soybeans, sorghum and other fodder crops on the fields.

Different breeds of cattle are bred in Turkmenistan today. Ajaýyp Ussat Halal Önümleri Economic Society built and commissioned the country's first livestock complex for the production of marbled meat in Ahal velayat’s Baherden etrap. The company successfully breeds Aberdeen Angus cattle in the complex.

Also in the Baherden etrap, Ak Peçek Individual Enterprise is engaged in farming cattle and small ruminants, in particular the French Limousin beef cattle. The farm manages to receive 400-450 kilograms of pure meat from one animal.

Entrepreneur Nury Annaovezov in Mary velayat’s Wekilbazar etrap gets high yields of forage crops from the 250 hectares of leased land. This allows the entrepreneur to fully meet the needs of his livestock farm with an annual capacity of 100 tons of meat and 100 tons of milk.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the country, in the first nine months of this year, meat production in farms of Turkmenistan increased by 6.2% compared to the same period last year.


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