Private Producers’ Share in Turkmen Meat, Dairy Production Exceeds 90%

Today there are 122 livestock complexes in the country and 90 are under construction.

Turkmenistan is carrying out large-scale work to develop animal husbandry, increase the number of livestock, the volume of meat and dairy products, and strengthen the feed base of the industry.

According to Biznes Reklama newspaper’s Monday issue, the private sector currently accounts for 94% of meat, 98.3% of dairy products, and 89% of wool produced in Turkmenistan. The rest is produced by state associations and other state enterprises.

According to the report, today there are 122 livestock complexes in the country and 90 are under construction. These complexes have contributed to a significant decrease in meat and dairy products imported from abroad.

The newspaper noted that all this testifies to the dynamic development of the agricultural livestock sector. Presently, domestic specialists are actively mastering new production lines in this direction and continue to improve local enterprises. This will undoubtedly have a positive effect on expanding the range of products on the country's stores. It is worth noting the success of entrepreneurs in fulfilling the established annual production plans.

A large dairy plant is currently under construction in Mary velayat. After its commissioning, the enterprise will produce milk powder, butter and various types of ice cream.


Business Turkmenistan
