Turkmenistan Plans Construction of New Greenhouses to Grow Citrus Crops

The greenhouses will be equipped with innovative machinery featuring modern irrigation methods.

During the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan on Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister Chary Gylyjov reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on projects to create import substitution industries in the country, TDH news agency reports.

During the government meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister submitted to the Head of State a proposal to construct modern greenhouses for growing bananas and citrus fruits in the Kaka etrap of Ahal velayat and the Vekilbazar etrap of Mary velayat.

The greenhouses will be equipped with innovative machinery featuring modern irrigation methods. Taking into account the existing experience, it is planned to conduct tests on the cultivation of bananas, tangerines, oranges and other citrus crops, according to Gylyjov.

Following the report, the Head of State approved the construction of facilities for growing bananas and citrus fruits.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also noted the importance of introducing best practices in the field of international trade and transportation of goods, and studying the demand of foreign markets. The Head of State stressed that Turkmenistan will continue the policy of broad support for medium and small businesses. In this regard, Turkmen President gave relevant instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister.


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