Turkmenistan’s Lebapgazçykaryş Increases Natural Gas Output

During the eight months of this year, 63.1 thousand tons of gas condensate were produced and delivered to the Seydi refinery from the Northern Balguyi field.

Lebapgazçykaryş Management of Türkmengaz State Concern has produced more than 5.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas in eight months of this year, exceeding the production plan by more than 5%, the online newspaper of the Oil and Gas Complex of Turkmenistan reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, the Management has also increased the production of gas condensate, used by the Seydi Oil Refinery as a necessary raw material, producing 35.8 thousand tons.

During the period, 63.1 thousand tons of gas condensate were produced and delivered to the Seydi refinery from the Northern Balguyi field.

In addition, Türkmengündogarnebitgurluşyk Construction And Installation Trust of the Turkmengaz State Concern is performing overhaul and commissioning of a 60 km section of the Dovletabat-Deryalyk high-pressure gas pipeline.

To date, the Trust has completed 60% of the welding work. During the repair, the specialists carry out insulation and laying work, and cleaning of the gas pipeline.


Business Turkmenistan

