Number of Private Greenhouses Grows in Turkmenistan's Dashoguz Velayat

Atamyrat Arslan Individual Enterprise and Atalyk Gurlyşyk Individual Enterprise are presently constructing tomato greenhouses in Dashoguz velayat’s S.A. Niyazov etrap.

Number of greenhouses of various capacities and profiles is increasing in Turkmenistan’s northern velayat of Dashoguz, Turkmenistan’s Golden Age news outlet reported on Monday.

According to the report, Atamyrat Arslan Individual Enterprise is constructing a three-hectare greenhouse on a five-hectare land plot leased in Döwletli village of the velayat’s S.A. Niyazov etrap. The installation of specialized equipment for the cultivation of vegetable crops, in particular tomatoes, has begun at the greenhouse.

In addition, Atalyk Gurlyşyk Individual Enterprise is building a greenhouse farm in Magtymguly village of the S.A. Niyazov etrap. The facility, which is being built in stages, will cover an area of seven hectares and will also specialize in growing tomatoes.

At the end of last year, Altyn Tug Individual Enterprise commissioned a 12-hectare large greenhouse in the S.A. Niyazov etrap, where the most optimal conditions have been created for growing three thousand tons of vegetables per year.


Business Turkmenistan

