Iranian Ambassador and Turkmenistan Chamber of Commerce Discuss Expo Participation

During a meeting on January 19 in Ashgabat between Iranian Ambassador to Turkmenistan Ali Mojtaba Roozbahani and President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan Mergen Gurdov, representatives from the private sector and producers in Turkmenistan explored opportunities to participate in the ExpoIran International Fair for promoting Turkmen products in Iran.

The discussions centered around enhancing trade and economic relations between Turkmenistan and Iran, along with identifying avenues for expanding mutual cooperation, as the Turkmenistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry reported on Saturday. 

Key topics included the regular convening of Turkmenistan-Iran Economic Cooperation Commissions, organizing joint events between business communities in the border regions of both countries and the potential for hosting joint Turkmenistan-Iran exhibitions and trade fairs.

The Iran Prože Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran took place on November 17-19, 2023, at the Turkmenistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry premises in Ashgabat. The exhibition featured approximately 100 Iranian companies presenting products and services in construction, technical and engineering services, hydroelectric power, energy, oil, natural gas, petrochemicals, education, and trade sectors.

Business Turkmenistan
