Germany Supports Turkmenistan in Digitizing Its Transit System of Goods

GIZ Headquarters, Bonn, Germany

The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) is assisting Turkmenistan in the full digitization of the transit system of goods by the end of 2023, the Trend news agency reported on Wednesday with reference to a statement of a representative of GIZ.

Using digital tools, traders can electronically pre-declare their goods at customs and transport them to other countries even without using paper documents, which facilitates transit between Turkmenistan and neighboring countries and makes transportation faster and safer, the GIZ representative told Trend.

Online declaration will also allow customs authorities to avoid unnecessary inspections.

According to the report, GIZ advises the national customs authorities on digitalizing the transit standard in place.

GIZ also supports other Central Asian countries in making their transit procedures more efficient.

Established in 2011, the GIZ is an international development agency owned by the German Federal Government. The organization is headquartered in Bonn and Eschborn and operates in more than 130 countries.
