Turkmen Private Sector Boosts Agricultural Production

Turkmenistan increased export of tomatoes to 16,700 tons in 2020.

Members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan presently grow most of the agricultural products in the country.

According to the Turkmenistan’s Golden Age news outlet’s Sunday report, the private sector harvested around 30 thousand tons of tomatoes this year, which is four times more than a year ago.

Private farmers collected a record amount of potatoes from farm lands, about 37 thousand tons, and almost 13 thousand tons of onions. The production of melons and gourds, fruit and berry products, vegetables and legumes has increased several times.

Turkmen businesses are presently working to increase food production through the development of new irrigated plots, which will allow to saturate the domestic market and increase export supplies, according to the report. In particular, in January-October of this year, more than $19 million worth of agricultural products were exported to Russia and the CIS countries.

In 2020, Turkmenistan also increased export of tomatoes to 16,700 tons. The high-tech greenhouses allow growing tomatoes in the country all year round. The country's businesses have commissioned more than a hundred greenhouse farms with a total area of more than 356 hectares. Around 150 greenhouses with a total area of 1,300 hectares are expected to open next year.


Business Turkmenistan

