Turkmen President Raises Purchase Prices for Cotton and Wheat

At an extended meeting of Turkmenistan’s Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a resolution increasing purchase prices for cotton and wheat, the Turkmen official media reported on Friday.

The document aims to address objectives outlined in the "Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022–2028," encouraging robust wheat and cotton harvests, fostering agricultural enthusiasm among farmers, and economically incentivizing the hard work of agricultural producers.

Effective from the 2024 harvest, the state purchase price for one ton of wheat is set at 2,000 manats. Meanwhile, the purchase price for one ton of medium-fiber cotton varies based on the harvesting period: from the start of the harvest to October 15 - 5,000 manats, October 15 to November 15 - 4,770 manats, and November 15 to the end of the cotton harvest - 4,550 manats.

For one ton of fine-fiber cotton, the prices differ: from the beginning of the harvest until October 15 - 6,700 manats, October 15 to November 15 - 6,400 manats, and November 15 until the end of the cotton harvest - 6,100 manats.

Addressing Deputy Prime Minister Tanryguly Atahalliyev, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of increasing agricultural production, ensuring food supply, and fortifying the raw materials and processing industry.

The extended Cabinet meeting also summarized the economic sectors' performance in 2023, with reports from deputy prime ministers, various ministry and province administration heads.

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