New Modern Medical Facilities to Appear in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan will build a Research and Production Center for Virology, Bacteriology and Epidemiology.

An offsite session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan was held in the conference hall of the newly commissioned Infectious Diseases Hospital in Gokdepe on Friday, TDH news agency reports.

The meeting focused on important tasks to strengthen the material and technical base of the country's health care system, identified promising directions for the development of this area, and also discussed a number of other relevant issues.

The hospital commissioned in the Yzgant village of Gokdepe etrap is another example of concrete activities being carried out in Turkmenistan to prevent and treat various dangerous infectious diseases, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized during the session.

Turkmen Leader identified several more similar medical facilities among the main projects to be constructed in the near future and addressed a number of specific instructions to the members of the Government.

In addition, the Head of State stressed the importance of saving the Aral Sea, adding that ecology is the basic foundation of medicine in the prevention of physiological diseases, it creates a single harmony in the relationship between nature and man.

Focusing on the special importance of using effective methods and means of preventing diseases in regions with unfavorable climatic conditions, such as the Aral Sea zone, the Turkmen Leader ordered the construction of a new hospital in Ashgabat with a scientific and clinical center of physiology, which will create wide opportunities for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases.

In this regard, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry was instructed to develop a new National Program for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and to coordinate the program with the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to save the Aral Sea.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also ordered the construction of a Research and Production Center for Virology, Bacteriology and Epidemiology, where fundamental scientific research in the field of epidemiology, molecular microbiology and biology, immunology, virology, bacteriology, genetic engineering, biotechnology, ecology and biological safety will be carried out.

In addition, the Head of State ordered the construction of a number of new pharmaceutical factories in order to fully provide the population with medicines.


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