Regular issue of quarterly Democracy and Law magazine prepared for printing by the Institute of State, Law and Democracy has been published.
The magazine is opened with article “Legal Provision of digitization, electronic document management system and digital services”, which highlights importance of work in Turkmenistan for strengthening of legal base of large-scale social and economic reforms.
In this context, the importance of implementation of the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, Concept of development of digital education in Turkmenistan, Programme of transfer of science to digital system in Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025 approved by the Head of the State.
In addition, the article notes the currency of the formation of national legal base, which includes such normative acts as the Laws on Communication, on Information and its Security, on Legal regulation of development of Internet network and provision of internet services in Turkmenistan, on Cyber Security, on Electronic document, electronic document management system and digital services and other
The same subject is highlighted in the article “Informational society and legal science”, which reviews the main directions of implementation of the State Programme of development of social and humanitarian sciences, the Programme of transfer of science sphere to digital system in Turkmenistan, development of informational law and other.
The article reflecting improvement of Election Code according to universal standards, provision of legal guarantees of electoral rights to the citizens of the country is dedicated to democratic principles of organization of elections.
Article “International legal foundations of foreign policy of Turkmenistan”, which highlights constructiveness of the strategy of the Head of the State for development of interstate cooperation in active cooperation with competent international organizations, especially with the UN, is current in the year of celebration of the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country.
The articles pay special attention to importance of peace-making initiatives of the Head of Turkmenistan, which are based on fundamental principles of neutral status as non-use of force in collaboration with other states, strengthening of relations of good neighbourliness and beneficial cooperation with all interested countries, respect of their sovereignty and territorial integrity, priority of the UN positions in solution of international issues.
The position of Turkmenistan in formation of approaches to solution of current modern issues in based on the concept, which implies the combination of provision of political, economic, energy, food security as well as cooperation in prevention of risks of ecological, anthropogenic aspect, combating of international terrorism, organized crime, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other global threats, - the article mentions.
Article of the UNICEF Representative in our country Christine Wiegand is dedicated to the main directions of Turkmenistan – UNICEF dialog. Focusing of realization of the UN Convention on Child Rights and other relative international documents, the author mentions constructive character of established bilateral partnership.
At the same time, importance of work in Turkmenistan for development of Action Plan of National Strategy of early child development, National Programme of nutrition, improvement of the system of social protection by introduction of inclusive quality services for children on local level has been highlighted.
Article “Innovative methods of study of historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan” cites the laws aimed at protection of national cultural heritage, implementation of information and communication technologies, provision of protection and further improvement of spiritual values of Turkmen people.
The article also highlights the subject of cooperation with the UN Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the important aspect of which is an evaluation of importance of facilities proposed to be include to the World Heritage List.
Article “Legal importance of acts of prosecutorial monitoring” is dedicated to certain aspects of constitutional reform. These acts have an important role in support of the supremacy of law and prevention of crimes.
The magazine is closed with informational “Chronicle” selection, which gives brief review of events of the second quarter of the year.
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